
Friday 27 September 2019

Seeing in The Cosmos!

In class, we read a book called "See You in the Cosmos". Everyone had a D.L.O about it but i just didn't get to it yet.

11 year old Alex is a boy who loves Astronomy and has so many questions on life like:

"where's Dad?"
"How do i launch my i-pod?"

But most importantly:

"How do I be brave?"

Alex struggles to understand how to do things sometimes. While my teacher read this book to us, I really enjoyed it. The book was very heart-warming and I loved it.

To be honest, the book is way better when my teacher reads it. She just reads it like it is actually happening. Overall, It was a great book to read. Maybe you should read it.

See you in Term 4! (See what I did there. No.)

The Water Cycle!

At reading time in my class, I had to create an infographic on the process of the....Water Cycle!
I think I did a good job. I loved making the picture the most!

An infographic is like a poster but it has much more information and it doesn't advertise anything.

I hope you get something out of this. And remember... Tumeke koe!

Thursday 19 September 2019

How do Waterspouts form?

In Room 5, we had to create a Infographic on our reading texts. My group's story was How Waterspouts form. My Infographic will tell you about it.

An infographic is diagrams and pictures, information on the topic and a catchy title!

I think I did pretty well but I think I need to add more information and diagrams. I hope you get something out of this, though.


Thursday 12 September 2019

The Giant's Ballet Shoes

In my Class, we had to write a story with a group. The people in my group was Ella and Mark. Our story was about a Giant that lost his Ballet shoes. Doing this, we acheived working together as a team and I am proud of that.

The Machine.

In Reading, We had to create a story map about what happened in the story. We read a story called the Machine.  This is my story map.